Understanding Tab and Tab Page Controls

This chapter provides an overview of tab and tab page controls, and discusses how to create tab controls.

You can create a control that enables you to split a form into different tabbed pages. Tabs enable you to use multiple controls on a single form. You can group the control functions by placing related controls on different tab pages for a single form. You can cut and paste controls from one page to other pages.

The form has a single business view (BV). One commit for the form exists on the OK button. You can use system functions such as Set Focus to add additional functions for the tab controls. Each tab page has a Tab Page is Selected event and a Tab Page is Initialized event associated with it. You can attach additional event rule logic to these events. When you use tab pages in an application, you can focus on the upper-right corner of the tab page and move it around. This strategy enables you to see several pages at the same time.

Additionally, you can embed or reuse subforms on a tab page, or you can specify a subform to act as the tab page itself.