Was Value Entered

Use this system function to determine if a form control has been changed. A return value of zero indicates no change, and a return value of one indicates a change.



Input, required. The FC to affect.

Return To

Input, required. The object to which to return the Boolean. Set the parameter to an applicable object from the object list.

Additional Notes

Two flags track the changes: the form flag and the control flag. When a control is changed, both flags are set to one. When Was Value Entered is called and a specific control is selected for the control parameter, the current value of the control flag is returned. The control value is then set to zero. The form flag remains the same. When <All Controls> is selected for the control parameter, the current value of the form flag is returned. The form flag value is then set to zero, but the control flag remains the same.


This system function can return one of these values:

  • 0

    The control did not change.

  • 1

    The control changed.