Wizard Forms

The wizard form is a simple form with the sole purpose of containing a wizard control. The wizard control is actually the wizard itself, for all intents and purposes. Each wizard control contains multiple pages; each page contains one subform and nothing else. Each subform in the wizard control is parented to this form.

During runtime, the wizard displays the first page and waits for the user to complete the task. Typically, you use the pages to prompt the user to provide input. After completing the task, the user clicks the Next button, and the wizard displays the second page in the list. In a standard scenario, the user continues in this fashion until the last page is reached, at which point the wizard validates and commits the data and then ends.

You cannot attach a business view (BV) to a wizard form. You cannot place any controls except the wizard control on the wizard form. Additionally, the wizard form does not display a tool bar or menus.

The wizard form has no unique property settings. Furthermore, the form does not support event rules (ER); all ER must be placed on the wizard control or its pages instead.

When the wizard runs, the wizard form expands to fill the entire frame. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne navigation menu is unavailable while the wizard is running. Consequently, the user cannot launch any other JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications until exiting the wizard.