About Running EnterpriseOne ADF Applications in Composed EnterpriseOne Pages (Release

In addition to running EnterpriseOne ADF applications from a menu, you can also launch them from a Composed EnterpriseOne Page or run them as embedded content within a Composed EnterpriseOne Page. Furthermore, in Release 9.2.1, you can create an external form to link to your EnterpriseOne ADF application and use the EnterpriseOne Application content type to add it to a Composed EnterpriseOne Page. Otherwise, an EnterpriseOne menu task for the application must exist and be placed on a Task View before EnterpriseOne can run the EnterpriseOne ADF application as an ADF Application content type.

When EnterpriseOne ADF applications are launched from either a menu or Composed EnterpriseOne Page, the EnterpriseOne ADF Container displays About and Close icons in the menu bar. When EnterpriseOne ADF applications run as Composed EnterpriseOne Page content, the EnterpriseOne ADF Container is embedded within the Composed EnterpriseOne Page and replaces the Close icon with a Refresh icon so the About and Refresh icons are shown. During a refresh, the EnterpriseOne ADF application is restored to its original state by restarting the application's bounded task flow. Any unsaved data or changes to the existing view are lost. Furthermore, the EnterpriseOne ADF Container notifies the EnterpriseOne ADF application when it's running as embedded content by passing a parameter called "pageEmbedded" to the EnterpriseOne ADF application's bounded task flow. When this parameter's value is set to true, the EnterpriseOne ADF application is running inside a Composed EnterpriseOne Page and should use this parameter to modify its appearance or behavior based on where it's running. For example, when launched from a menu, the EnterpriseOne ADF application may contain a Close button on the page. However, when running as embedded Composed EnterpriseOne Page content, the same EnterpriseOne ADF application would hide the Close button, so the application is always displayed in the Composed EnterpriseOne Page and cannot be dismissed by the user.