Calling FormService on Local EnterpriseOne HTML (JAS) Server through the AIS Server

You have the option to use this technique if you have FDA changes locally and want to test the JSON output while still accessing the AIS Server. This is the closest approximation of how the ADF application will call the REST services.

Configure your local EnterpriseOne HTML Server to accept requests from the AIS Server. To do so:

  1. Locate the jas.ini file on the local EnterpriseOne Windows client (development client) machine:


  2. Add or modify the form service section like this:

    #specify hosts allowed to call the form service and media object service

    The two preceding entries are the local host IP address and the IP address of the AIS Server. This enables you to make calls through the AIS Server to your local EnterpriseOne HTML Server. For the AIS Server, you can also use allowedhosts=* if you do not know the AIS Server IP address or want to allow access for any AIS Server.

  3. Restart the EnterpriseOne Windows client.

  4. Test the configuration by making the following changes to the JSON requests:

    For tokenrequest: Indicate the JAS server, which is your local EnterpriseOne HTML Server. Also, Oracle recommends that you always include the environment and role because the defaults stored on the AIS Server may not work with a local instance (such as JDV910 vs DV910).
