Define the Properties in the EnterpriseOne ADF Container File

Before deploying the ADF Container, use the EnterpriseOne ADF Container build script to update the e1adf.ini settings and connections.xml URL values. The build script uses the wldeploy task to deploy artifacts to server instances or clusters on Oracle WebLogic Server.

See Building an EnterpriseOne ADF Application and Deploying an EnterpriseOne ADF Application to Oracle WebLogic Server for more information.

Before you run the build script to update the JDEADFContainer.ear file, you have to define the properties in the file that are listed in the Ant Script Property column in Set Up the Build Directories for the EnterpriseOne ADF Container Build. When you run the build script, the script uses these values to update the associated settings in the e1adf.ini file. These required settings enable the communication between the EnterpriseOne ADF application and the EnterpriseOne HTML Server.

Additionally, you can assign values to the Ant properties described in Table to update the associated URL values in the connections.xml file. These settings are used to identify the map services used by ADF DVT map components. If these Ant properties are left blank, the EnterpriseOne ADF Container will use the default URL values delivered in the JDEADFContainer.ear file to access the below hosted services:

  • Service: MapViewer


  • Service: Geocoder


Note: You may want to install your own MapViewer instance, since the hosted MapViewer and Geocoder services by Oracle are intended for testing purposes only.

e1adf.ini Property

Ant Script Property




The URL of the AIS Server used to populate data in the EnterpriseOne ADF applications. Usually this AIS Server is configured to point to the same HTML Server where Simplified UI is configured. For information on how to obtain this URL, see "Deploying and Managing the AIS Server through Server Manager" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Application Interface Services Server Reference Guide.


The device name sent with every request to the AIS Server (AIS requires it).



Comma-delimited list of JAS URLs that are allowed to imbed this EnterpriseOne ADF Container when the Simplified User Interface setting for supporting ADF applications is configured for the EnterpriseOne HTML Server.

The whitelist needs a comma-delimited list of server URLs for the EnterpriseOne HTML Server. The server URL should be of the form <Protocol>://<IP Address/Fully Qualified Domain Name>:<Port>.

The IP Address/Fully Qualified Domain Name value depends on how the server has been set up and what URL the client (browser) sees as the server's origin. There is no penalty for an incorrect value being part of the whitelist, as long as the correct value is also present.



When set to true Content Security Policy (CSP) headers are included on every response from the ADF server, false indicates no CSP headers are added.

The recommended setting is True.



The amount of time the EnterpriseOne ADF Container session stays alive while the user is not interacting with it, expected in milliseconds - recommended to be longer than EnterpriseOne HTML Server.

Be sure to define the EnterpriseOne ADF Container session time out following this guideline:

EnterpriseOne HTML server session time out < EnterpriseOne ADF Container session time out < AIS server session time out



The maximum amount of time a user's EnterpriseOne ADF Container session is allowed to be retained. Even if the user is continually interacting with the application, the session will time out after this amount of time. The default value is 24 hours. The maximum value is 24 hours.

Be sure to define the EnterpriseOne ADF Container session time to live following this guideline:

EnterpriseOne ADF Container token time to live = AIS server session time to live(Release



Setting to enable/disable OAM use for ADF container access. Value should be true or false. (Release



The URL of the OHS gateway to access EnterpriseOne ADF applications in the container when OAM is enabled. Requests to ADF container via any other URLs will be blocked. If OAM is disabled, this value will be disregarded. (Release

Connections.xml URLs and Ant script properties for E1 ADF Container


Ant Script Property


MapViewer URL


The URL of the Oracle Application Server MapViewer service. This service is required to run the base map that provides background for the layers in the ADF geographic map component. MapViewer is a programmable tool for rendering maps using spatial data managed by Oracle Spatial.

Geocoder URL


The URL of the Geocoder service that converts street addresses into longitude and latitude coordinates for mapping.