Example: Acceptable Output for the defaultconfig Service on JSON

The defaultconfig service is the only service that uses an HTTP GET operation. It accepts one parameter for the required capabilities in the client application. If any required capabilities listed in that parameter are missing, the response will indicate the missing capabilities in the "requiredCapabilityMissing" field.

   "jasHost": "jasserver.domainexample.com",
   "jasPort": "8412",
   "jasProtocol": "http",
   "defaultEnvironment": "DV910",
   "defaultRole": "*ALL",
   "displayEnvironment": true,
   "displayRole": true,
   "displayJasServer": false,
   "defaultJasServer": "http://jasserver.domainexample.com:port",
   "ssoAllowed": true,
   "allowSelfSignedSsl": false,
   "sessionTimeout": "30",
   "timeToLive": "720",
   "aisVersion": "EnterpriseOne",
   "capabilityList":    [
         "name": "grid",
         "shortDescription": "Grid Actions",
         "longDescription": "Ability to update, insert and delete grid records.",
         "asOfRelease": ""
         "name": "editable",
         "shortDescription": "Enabled/Disabled",
         "longDescription": "Ability to indicate if form field or grid cell is editable (enabled) or not (disabled).",
         "asOfRelease": ""
         "name": "log",
         "shortDescription": "Logging",
         "longDescription": "Endpoint exposed for logging to AIS server log from client",
         "asOfRelease": ""
         "name": "processingOption",
         "shortDescription": "Processing Options",
         "longDescription": "Processing Option Service exposed for fetching PO values from E1",
         "asOfRelease": ""
         "name": "ignoreFDAFindOnEntry",
         "shortDescription": "Ignore FDA Find On Entry",
         "longDescription": "Ability to use the IgnoreFDAFindOnEntry flag",
         "asOfRelease": ""
   "requiredCapabilityMissing": false,
   "keepJasSessionOpen": true,
   "jasSessionCookieName": "JSESSIONID"