
If Skyros is the skin family for an EnterpriseOne ADF application, you need to modify the configuration file. This is because when the EnterpriseOne ADF application launches from an EnterpriseOne menu and runs inside the JDEADFContainer, the ADF application is rendered using the Alta skin instead of Skyros. To use the Alta skin when running the test page locally on JDeveloper's Integrated WebLogic Server, you need to modify the trinidad-config.xml file under ViewController/Web Content/WEB-INF to match the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>

<trinidad-config xmlns="">




It is important to note that the JDEADFContainer has extended the Alta skin, so only the Calendar component renders using Skyros styles. If your EnterpriseOne ADF application uses this component and you have changed the trinidad-config.xml file to use Alta, then the Calendar component will render differently when run locally versus running inside the JDEADFContainer.