Using External Forms to Administer EnterpriseOne ADF Applications (Release 9.2.1)

With Release 9.2.1, you can attach your EnterpriseOne ADF application to an external form in Form Design Aid. The external form provides users with a direct link to the EnterpriseOne ADF application. This means it can be a task, within a Composed EnterpriseOne Page, on a menu, linked to from an EnterpriseOne Page, or accessed through Fast Path.

External forms are intended to replace the use of the proxy application. All functionality associated with the proxy application, including processing options, static translated text for ADF labels, and security, are also included with the application containing the external form.

Using this new form type has the following benefits:

  • When creating the external form, you set the External Application Type to "Adf", and then instead of specifying the ADF task flow ID on a task type, you can specify this task flow ID in the External Application property.

  • Similar to the proxy application concept, you can include any required processing options and translatable text in the application that includes the external form, so the EnterpriseOne ADF application can perform the necessary AIS requests to retrieve this data.

  • You can specify a data structure for the external form, so a calling form can pass data values to the EnterpriseOne ADF application when the external form is called using a form interconnect.

  • The EnterpriseOne ADF application can be launched directly from Fast Path if the external form is the entry point to the application. It can also be launched from Fast Path by specifying Pxxxxx|Wxxxxx.

Applications using an external form to launch an EnterpriseOne ADF application should be named beginning with a "P" rather than an "E."

For more information on creating external forms, see "Understanding External Forms" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Form Design Aid Guide.

Note: Any existing proxy applications will continue to function correctly to launch an EnterpriseOne ADF application from a menu task, but with Release 9.2.1 and forward, you should utilize the new external form type to launch EnterpriseOne ADF applications.