Application Query In Data

The "application query in data" service provides the capability to invoke a saved query within a data service call. The "application query in data" service can invoke a saved query associated to an application form.

The data service provides data query or count requests over tables or business views. However, users most often build their queries in the application form, not in the EnterpriseOne Data Browser. Application forms use the same business views that are available to data service calls. Therefore, in the "application query in data" service, you can specify the business view associated with the form that contains the saved queries. This enables you to call a saved query in a form when calling a data service over that same business view.

To identify the business view associated with a form that contains the saved queries, you can run a form service request in demo mode using the setFormServiceDemo(true) method. The response displays the business view name, for example:

"bsvwName" : "V060116B",

You can use the available query service to identify the queries defined for that form and their OMW object IDs. You can then pass the query ID into the queryObjectName parameter of the data request, for example:

dataRequest.setQueryObjectName(loginEnv, "QRY0801A_1606010003CUST");

The query associated with the application can then be applied to the data request call.