Control ID Notation for Return Control IDs

In EnterpriseOne, you can use the Property Browser in FDA to identify control IDs for fields on each EnterpriseOne form. You can also find control IDs using the Item Help option in the form in the EnterpriseOne web client. In the EnterpriseOne web client form, click the Help button (question mark in the upper right corner of a form) and then click the Item Help option to access field-level help. With the field level help activated, you can click in a field or column to access the control ID and business view information, which is displayed under the Advanced Options section.

For fields on the main form, the control ID will be a single value, such as 25.

Grids also have control IDs. For a traditional form, the grid ID is usually 1. For power forms, subforms, and reusable subforms the grid ID is typically a value other than 1.

The columns within a grid also have unique IDs and are often referenced in conjunction with the grid ID. For example, column 28 and 29 in grid 1 would be 1[28,29].

Power forms have more complex IDs. The fields on the main power form are represented with single values. The fields on a subform are complex with an underscore separating them. So field 6 on subform 12 is 12_6. The ID of a re-usable subform is available when viewing the power form that the subform is used on. The IDs of individual fields, a grid, or columns on a re-usable subform is shown in FDA when viewing the subform directly; you cannot get these values when viewing the subform alias.

The returnControlIDs string is bar delimited, without a starting or ending bar.