Example - Links Section in an Application Stack Response

"links" : [ {
    "rel" : "next",
    "href" : "http:// <ais_server>:<port>//jderest/v2/appstack/next?stackId=1&stateId=1&rid=5b5e9d49dac52bb2&fullGridId=1&formOID=W0801A&token=044hq8nL%2FEHTb3dhe3XqPxl15jr%2FoFlXX0yEOI%2FixZTNdU%3DMDE5MDEzOTEyNTY5MTE3MzA1Njk3NjIxOTEwLjEzOS4xMTUuNTUxNDgyNTA5NTc2MjI5&outputType=GRID_DATA&returnControlIDs=1[14,15]",
    "context" : "1"
  } ]

To request the next page of data, use the URL provided in the links section to perform a POST or a GET operation for that URL.

To request the last page of data, use the URL provided in the links section to perform a POST or GET operation for that URL.

It is important to note that the size of each data set is determined up front in the first request to the grid in the form. The maxPageSize input parameter indicates the number of records to return with each call. For example, if you set this value to 10, you will receive 10 records in the first call and up to 10 more in every subsequent link call.

The period of time that the current data set remains open is determined by the resultSetTimeout setting for the EnterpriseOne HTML Server, which you can configure in Server Manager. The default for this setting is 60 seconds. Although unlikely to occur, you must consider the possibility that the result set will time out and throw an exception when calling the next link. In the case of a timeout, you will have to start over and re-run the original fetch to refresh the data set.

The following is an example of the JSON response for a timeout:

Status: 500 
    "sysErrors": [
            "TITLE": "JAS_MSG347: The query results expired.  Refresh them by clicking Find again.",
            "DESC": "JAS_MSG347: The query results expired.  Refresh them by clicking Find again."