Using Turbo Mode (API 1.4.2 and EnterpriseOne Tools 9.2.1)

To increase transaction performance and reduce form service request processing time on the AIS Server, you can add the Turbo Mode parameter to a form service request. There are two levels for Turbo Mode: Low and High.

Setting the Turbo Mode to "Low" reduces processing time by:

  • Fetching associated descriptions in the grid (for grid columns) only when specifically requested in the service request.

  • Formatting grid columns only when requested.

  • Not using associated descriptions in event rule code.

  • Adding columns to return column IDs only when required by internal processing.

Setting the Turbo Mode to "High" provides the best performance and further reduces processing time by:

  • Populating business view grid columns only when requested.

  • Creating internal grid cell structures only for requested columns.

  • Adding columns to return column IDs only when required by internal processing.

Caution: Using Turbo Mode can result in issues in the AIS client depending on the processing that is removed. You must make sure that the reduced processing does not impact the data returned to your application. Also, if you are relying on calculated fields, you need to request both the calculated fields and the fields used in the calculation in the return control IDs.

The following code shows the available Turbo Mode options in the API:

FormRequest formRequest = new FormRequest(loginEnv);

The following is an example of Turbo Mode in JSON code:

"formName": "P01012_W01012";
"turboMode ": "Low";