Defining Indices

Indices are used to locate specific records and to sort records faster. Table indices are like tabs in a card file. Each index is made up of one or more keys, which are individual data items. Use indices to access data in a simple manner, rather than to read the data sequentially.

Tables can have multiple indices, but every table must have only one primary index. The primary index is the one unique identifier for each record in the table. Additionally, you can use the primary index to build business views. The system does not allow you to save a table without defining a primary index.

When you modify or delete indices, you must regenerate the table. Changes that you make to a table can affect business views and forms that reference that table.

Table Information



The description of each data item included in the table.


The field type of each data item included in the table.


The field length of each data item included in the table.


The alias of each data item included in the table.

Data Item

The name of each data item included in the table.

Table Column Prefix

The prefix of the table columns.


Information regarding all of the indices included in the table.