Translatable JD Edwards Items

The translatable items in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software include:

  • Data dictionary items

    The data dictionary stores the text items that are used for row and column headings, alpha descriptions, and glossaries (F1 or field-level helps) for reuse. When translating these text items, you should view the associated glossary entry, if available, to understand the context of the data dictionary item and to ensure that you are using consistent translations.

  • Glossary entries

    Glossary entries describe data dictionary items and their use in the software. You can view glossaries from multiple applications by using JD Edwards Translation Tools. Being able to view the glossaries from multiple applications enables you to see their context while you translate. You translate each entry using a translation memory, such as TRADOS.

    Because glossaries can contain hundreds of lines of information, they are among the most time-consuming components to translate.

  • Processing options

    You can use processing options to configure many JD Edwards applications according to your needs. Processing options enable you to supply parameters to control how a program functions. For example, processing options enable you to:

    • Specify defaults for certain form displays.

    • Control the format in which information appears on reports

    • Change how a form displays information.

    You translate all of the tabs and the processing option text on the processing option forms.

  • Forms

    When you access an interactive program, a form appears. Each form contains a title and a variety of controls such as tabs, grids, and hyper controls, all of which must be translated.

  • Reports

    Similar to forms, reports contain controls and titles that must be translated. Column items and section controls correspond to data dictionary items.

  • Tasks

    JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software contains task menus that enable access to subtasks, applications, reports, and executables. As you translate tasks, all task items and submenus appear together so that you can view them in context.

  • User-defined codes

    User Defined Codes (UDCs) are codes and descriptions in the software that provide you with an easy way to select a value from a list. UDCs are stored in tables within JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software, and you access them from these tables.

    Each user-defined code contains a description of the option as well as a code for that option. You translate only the descriptions; the codes remain the same in every language.

  • Resource files

    Resource files (for example, files with extensions such as .rc, .dll, .exe) are applications that are generated by third-party tools (for example, Java and C++) that appear throughout JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software. These items are not JD Edwards items, but they must be translated into the target language, or users will see source text. These files include error messages, toolbar menus, and the legal disclaimer.

  • Miscellaneous items

    A few items in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software interface cannot be included in any of the previous categories, and JD Edwards Translation Tools does not recognize them. These miscellaneous items are contained in specific tables within the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software and include user-defined time periods and the names of the months. You translate miscellaneous items by using the FASTR and Favorites applications.

You can use JD Edwards Translation Tools to translate all items. However, you can use a translation memory, such as TRADOS, to translate glossary items for processing options and data items.