Adding Escalation Rules to an Action Task

Note: Access the workflow process in Orchestrator Studio Workflows.
  1. Click the Action Message task, the click the (+) next to Escalation in the Form Revision section.

  2. In the Edit Escalation Rule window, click the (+) to add escalation.

  3. Complete these fields to specify the recipient of the escalated message:
    • Recipient Condition

      Select a recipient condition for the escalation message.

    • Address Book Number

      Enter the Address Book number of the distribution list, role, or single recipient to whom the escalated message will be sent.

    • Structure Type

      Enter the structure type of the distribution list to which the escalated message will be sent. If the recipient is a role or single recipient, leave this field blank.

  4. After you add an Escalation to the Action task, fields appear under the Action task in Form Revision section, fields are displayed and enabled to configure the escalation message.

  5. Complete the fields To Recipient, Cc Recipient, and Bcc Recipient.

  6. Click the Mailbox row and select a mailbox to which you want the escalated message delivered.

    For example, you might select the Credit Management queue for a credit limit approval message.

  7. To include a subject line in the escalated message, click the Subject field and then select the corresponding data item that contains the subject text, if applicable. You can also enter a literal value in the Subject field.

    If the message does not require a subject, leave the field blank.

  8. To add static text to the escalated message, click the Text field and select the corresponding data item that contains the text for the body of the message. You can also enter a literal value in the Text field. If you do not need to use the Text data item, leave it blank.
    Note: You can use the Text parameter to add supplemental text to a message template. This text will appear above the message template text when the user opens the message.
  9. Leave the Shortcut field blank. The escalated message uses the shortcut from the original message.

  10. To attach a message template, click the Search icon in the Message field, and then select the appropriate message from the DD Message Search dialog box. Enter the name of the message in the Alias Search field and click Search. For example, you might enter LM1235 for the Credit Limit Approval message.

    See "Setting Up Message Templates."

    If you are not using a message template, leave Message field blank.

  11. Select the data item that contains the value that you want to substitute into the message. The Message Description and Message Glossary get updated.

  12. Close the Message Editor window.