JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow Features

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow enables you to:

  • Attach a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow process with event rules to any event within an application, batch process, or named event rule (NER).

    You can also attach a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow process through table event rules in Table Design Aid.

  • Launch a workflow process from a logic extension. Because logic extension is part of an orchestration, you can also launch a workflow process in the same way you launch orchestrations (Tools Release
  • Run conditional processing, which is logic that is contingent upon supplied criteria, such as quantity and dollar amount.

    This criteria can be any parameter that is used in the decision-making process that the system can evaluate.

  • Create messages that are specific to the process by setting up message templates (text substitution messages) in the data dictionary.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow also:

  • Integrates seamlessly with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne interactive and batch applications.

  • Offers multiple level approvals.

  • Offers automatic escalation of messages which have not been acted upon.

  • Offers manual escalation of processes in which the administrator can override or bypass certain tasks or users in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow process.

  • Automatically time stamps all tasks within a process for auditing and improvement analysis through the Process Task Monitor (P98860) or JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow Advanced Analysis (P98870).

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow technology, rules, and principles enable you to work more efficiently and reduce cycle time. The automated process reduces errors and generates less paperwork. Furthermore, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow helps you develop JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow-enabled applications or quickly and smoothly enable existing applications for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Workflow. You can attach a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne workflow process that sends a message or calls an application to any event within an application. All you have to do is attach a Start Process call to an event within an application to initiate the workflow process. Because this process is defined outside of the application, it offers you unlimited flexibility to incorporate innovative ideas into the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system.