Obsolete Tasks in Orchestrator Studio Workflows

Few legacy tasks are no longer available in the Workflows page for you to add and configure. These tasks can be part of existing workflow processes and are displayed in the workflow diagram. They are disabled and you cannot configure the tasks or add the same tasks as new tasks. However, you can configure the Send Message task if it is present in an existing workflow. Other obsolete tasks, if present in the workflow process, are read only.

The tasks that have become obsolete are:

  1. Windows Exe
  2. Application
  3. Send Message

The obsolete tasks are grayed out in the workflow diagram. These tasks have read-only information. You might come across instances where the obsolete tasks contains corrupt or unexpected metadata. When you click such tasks, you see the message, “Corrupt task, delete and readd” in the task revision column.

Note: When you validate a workflow process that has obsolete tasks, the system prompts you to change the obsolete tasks to the valid tasks that correspond to the same respective functions.