Scenario 1

A message with a value of 25,000 is first sent to Group 1 (members 7101, 7102, 7103, and 7104) because their threshold values are less than 25,000. If any of these recipients reject the message, the task completes and the message is not sent to the other groups. However, if all of these members approve the message, it is sent to the managers in Group 2 (members 7201, 7202, and 7203) for their approval because they are in the next highest group on the distribution list and have threshold values that are less than 25,000. The members in groups 3, 4, and 5 (members 7301, 7302, 7401, 7402, and 7500) do not receive the message because their threshold values are greater than 25,000.

An exception is if the message originator is a member of the distribution list to which the message is sent. In this case, the message is sent to the first group above the originator's group. For example, a message that is sent by 7202 and has a value of 35,000 is first sent to Group 3 (members 7301 and 7302) because these members are in the group above 7201. Only after both 7301 and 7302 accept the message does the task complete. The system does not need to send the message to the next group (Group 4) because the value in the message does not meet the threshold values assigned to that group. The thresholds for the next group (Group 4) are greater than 35,000.