Setting Workflow Delegation Processing Options

If the security records for the workflow delegation applications are set up properly, only system administrators and workflow administrators should have access to the processing options for workflow delegation.

Workflow Delegation Processing Options

The following table describes the valid values for the workflow delegation processing options:

Processing Option

Valid Values

1. Enter the Workflow Delegation Application as Admin

Blank = No

Leave the field blank if you want to see the application interface for workflow users.

1 = Yes

Enter 1 if you want to see the application interface for administrators.

2. Validate the Address Book Number against the Delegation List.

Blank = No

Leave the field blank if you do not want the address book number of the delegate validated against the predefined delegation list - this is for workflow administrators only.

1 = Yes

Enter 1 if you want the address book number of the delegate validated against the predefined delegation list - this value should be 1 for regular workflow users.