Understanding Queue Security

You can change the security status for a user or group of users for a message queue. You can either give a user authority to monitor queues within a group or give public security to queues for all groups. You can add security by user, group, or role. For example, you might want to set up security for a manager so that she or he can monitor all messages within a group for certain queues. Or you might set up security by group only so that users within a group have authority to monitor messages within a group for certain queues. When you add security by group or role, the system applies that security to all members of that group or role. You can also give only a few people within a group access to certain queues by entering the user address book number and the group to define which queues a user in a particular group can access. Using the Employee Queue Manager (P012501) to view mail ignores security and all messages can be viewed.