Understanding Cost Analyzer View Setup

You can define the information that is posted to the Cost Analyzer Balances table (F1602) to summarize GL transaction information. Views are uniquely defined by using a combination of a view number, fiscal year, and date pattern code. For example, if you define a view to identify profitability by customer for the fiscal year 2008 and assign view number 1 with a fiscal date pattern code R, you cannot define a second view as 1 for 2008 with a fiscal date pattern of R.

The following rules apply to Cost Analyzer views:

  • Each fiscal year can have a maximum of ten view definitions.

  • View numbers can be between one and ten.

  • You cannot have duplicate view definitions (that is, two identical view numbers for the same fiscal year).

  • Each view must contain a date pattern code.

After you post transactions to a particular view and fiscal year, you can make changes to the view definition only by purging the posted information and regenerating it.