Understanding Cost Pools

In addition to user defined codes for activities and drivers, you can set up cost pools. A cost pool is a grouping of cost elements. When you set up rates, you can assign drivers or activities to a single cost pool. For example, you can create a cost pool called personnel expenses by aggregating all personnel-related costs, such as salaries, overtime, benefits and so on; and the driver could be man-hours invested in each activity.

You can create alternate approaches to cost pools based on your business needs, such as:

  • You can specify original GL accounts as the FROM (source) of the cost assignment definition.

    In this example, all of the accounts should have a common driver.

  • Use account category codes to link accounts that correspond to the same cost pool.

    Then when you define your cost assignment, the FROM definition is the category codes group, which equals the cost pool. For example, you could set up an account category code group for personnel expenses (PE) and building related costs (BL). In the Account Master table (F0901), you can assign the category codes to the appropriate accounts and, in this way, group your accounts to different cost pools.

  • You can create a specific account for cost pools, and then, using a cost assignment, move balances from the original accounts to the account that you set up specifically for the aggregate total of the cost pool expenses.