Understanding External Cost Analyzer Balances Review and Revision

After you import external cost analyzer balances or manually enter them into the External Cost Analyzer Balances - Interoperability Table (F1602Z1), you can use the External Cost Analyzer Balances program (P1602Z1) to review your balances for accuracy and, if necessary, to revise them.

After you review and revise your external cost analyzer balances, run the External Cost Analyzer Balances Processor program (R1602Z1) to upload your balances to the Cost Analyzer Balances table (F1602).

When you run the External Cost Analyzer Balances Processor program, the program produces a report that shows any records that ended in error. For example, some records might have invalid account numbers. To ensure the integrity of your Cost Analyzer Balances table, you must correct any errors using the External Cost Analyzer Balances program before you can upload the balances to the F1602 table.