Assigning Payment Instrument and GL Account Relationships

Access the Set Up Multiple Vendor Bank Account Types form.

Set Up Multiple Vendor Bank Account Types form
Record Type

Enter a value that exists in the Bank Type Code (00/BT) UDC table to distinguish external bank accounts from internal bank accounts. Values are:

B: Valid bank transit numbers.

C: Customer bank accounts.

D: Default bank account for Accounts Receivable drafts and auto debits.

G: Internal general ledger bank accounts.

H: Dutch bank accounts.

M: General ledger bank account and business unit that is used to define print information in Accounts Payable payments.

P: Auto receipts payor.

V: Supplier bank account for payment using the bank tape.

X: Alternate bank account for a supplier.

Y: Multiple bank accounts for a supplier.

Note: When you use bank type B, no other bank types are allowed. When you use bank type V, no other V bank types are allowed. When you use bank type D, no other D bank types are allowed.