Common Error Messages on T5018 Workfile Report

Running the T5018 Workfile report can alert you to potential problems with your T5018 information. The T5018 workfile reports print error messages that you can use to review and correct your T5018 information before running the Write T5018 Media program. This table lists common error messages and causes that appear on T5018 workfile report:



Alternate Company Address

Company's alternate address number is the same as the address book number of a different company.

Blank Company Number

The company number in the GL Worktable is blank.

Blank Payor BN

The address book record for the company does not have a payor business number.

Blank Recipient BN

The supplier master record for the supplier does not have a recipient business number.

Blank Recipient/Payor BN

The address book record for the company and supplier do not have a business number.

Duplicate Payor BN

A record has already been processed with the same recipient business number, but with a different company number.

When you run the Write T5018 Media program, the system reports the combined T5018 information of the companies and uses the mailing address and other company information of the last company that it processes (first one processed in descending order).

You must research this error to determine whether the companies should be combined.

Duplicate Recipient BN

A record has already been processed with the same recipient business number but with a different supplier number.

When you run the Write T5018 Media program, the system reports the combined T5018 information of the suppliers and uses the address number and mailing address of the last supplier (first one processed in descending order).

You must research this error to determine whether the suppliers should be combined.

Duplicate Recipient/Payor BN

A record has already been processed with the same recipient business number, but with a different supplier number and with the same payor business number and different company number.

Invalid Payor BN

A record has already been processed with the same company number, but with a different payor business number.

Invalid Recipient BN

A record has already been processed with the same supplier, but with a different recipient business number.

Invalid Recipient/Payor BN

A record has already been processed with the same supplier and company number, but with a different payor and recipient business number.

Missing Company Address #

An address book record does not exist for the company.

You must investigate these error messages and make any necessary corrections before you process T5018 returns.