
These processing options specify the default values for the system to use for various fields.

1. Service/Tax Date

Specify whether to use the GL date or the invoice date to indicate when you purchased the goods or services, or when you incurred the tax liability. Values are:

Blank: Use the GL date.

1: Use the invoice date.

2. Pay Status Code

Enter a value from the Pay Status (00/PS) UDC table to override the default pay status code of A (approved for payment).

3. Voucher Document Type

Enter a value that exists in the Document Type - Vouchers Only (00/DV) UDC table to establish a default document type for vouchers.

4. Debit Memo Document Type

Enter a value that exists in the Document Type - All Documents (00/DT) UDC table to establish the default document type for a debit memo.

5. Alternate/Payee

Enter the Factor/Special Payee address from the Supplier Master table (F0401) into the Alternate/Payee field for payments.

Note: Payments are made to the address book number that is in the Alternate/Payee field.

Values are:

Blank: Enter the supplier number into the Alternate/Payee field.

1: Enter the Factor/Special Payee address into the Alternate/Payee field.

6. Debit Memo Due Date

Enter 1 to specify that the system determines the due date for debit memos by the payment terms code. Leave this processing option blank to specify that the system uses the GL date as the due date.

7. Debit Memo Discount (Release 9.2 Update)

Enter 1 to automatically calculate the discount on debit memos based on the payment term specified for the supplier.

Valid values are:

Blank: No discount.

1: Calculate discount based on supplier's payment term.

Note: If the Discount Available value is entered manually in the Enter Voucher-Payment Information form, the system overrides the processing option setup.