
1. Mode to View Open Pay Items

Specify the mode in which to view open pay items on the Select Open Pay Items form. Values are:

Blank: View open pay items in detail mode. The system displays each pay item.

1: View open pay items in summary mode. The system displays pay items by voucher number and due date. The system enters * in each field in the Pay Item column that contains more than one pay item for a voucher. Clear the Summarize option on the Select Open Pay Items form to show the number of pay items on the voucher.

Note: This option also exists on the Supplier Ledger Inquiry form. However, if you select summary mode on this form, the Pay Item column does not appear on the detail area of the form.
2. Assign Payment Numbers

Enter 1 to enable the system to assign the payment number based on the value for the specified bank account in the Next Payment Number field on the Set Up G/L Bank Account form. You can view this field by choosing Bank Account Information from the Automatic Payment Setup menu (G04411).

Leave this processing option blank to enter the payment number manually in the Payment Number field on the Manual Payment Entry form.

3. Enter Payment Amount

Enter 1 to enable the system to calculate the payment amount from the pay items you select. Leave this processing option blank to enter the payment amount manually in the Payment Amount field on the Manual Payment Entry form.

Note: If you enter the payment amount manually, you must enter the amount before choosing Pay Items from the Form menu to select which voucher pay items to pay.