File ID Modifier

Specify the file ID modifier to distinguish between multiple files created on the same date. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses 1.

Tape Payment Detail Description

Enter up to ten characters to describe the tape payment detail. For example, you could enter EXP REIMB for expense reimbursements. This description may be used by the bank and printed on the supplier's bank account statement.

Immediate Origin

Enter up to ten characters to describe the immediate origin. The system uses this value for position 14-23 in header record 1. If you enter fewer than 10 characters, the system right justifies your entry and places blanks in the preceding spaces. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the tax ID for the bank account's company as the value.

Note: If you leave this processing option blank and no tax ID is available, the tape will be rejected by the clearing house.
Identification Code Designator

Enter 10 characters for the company ID number. The system uses this value for positions 41–50 in record 5 and in positions 45–54 in record 8. Optionally, precede the ID number by one of these ID Code Designators (ICDs) or a value of your own:

1: Specifies an IRS Employer ID No. (EIN).

3: Specifies the Data Universal No. System (DUNS).

9: Specifies a user-assigned number.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the tax ID for the bank account's company.

Note: If you leave this processing option blank and no tax ID is available, or the value entered is less than 10 characters, the tape will be rejected by the clearing house.
Discretionary Data

Enter up to 20 alpha characters that the system prints in the Discretionary Data processing option on the Company/Batch Header Record (Record 5, position 21-40) of the file. If you leave this processing option blank, the positions in the records are blank.

Bank Account Reference Roll Number

Enter 1 to print the Vendor's Bank Account Reference Roll Number in the Individual ID Number (Record 6, position 40-54). If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints the payee name.

Balancing Debit Entry

Enter 1 to print a balancing debit entry (record 6) to the current bank account. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not write a balancing record.

If a balancing record is written, the system uses the routing and account numbers for the bank account from the F0030 table.