Errors in Processing

If any errors occur during processing, they are noted on the edit report. You can correct the errors and reprocess the batch. An error on one transaction does not stop the batch from processing. If a transaction in the batch is in error, that transaction is not processed with the rest of the batch.

After the batch has been successfully processed, the field VLEDSP is updated from a value of 0 to 1. Successfully processed records remain in the Voucher Transactions - Batch Upload (F0411Z1) and Journal Entry Transactions - Batch File (F0911Z1) tables until they are purged. Alternatively, you can set up a processing option to purge these tables automatically.

The following tips should help you reduce the number of errors or help you identify and resolve them when they occur:

  • Initially process a small number of records in a batch. Most errors that occur on one record also occur on all records. Correct the errors on the smaller number of records, and then follow the same sequence of steps when you process a larger number of records in a batch.

  • Only errors prevent a batch from processing. Warning messages alert you to nonstandard events, but do not prevent processing. You can disable warning messages by means of a processing option.

  • You can run the batch in proof mode. However, proof mode is not necessary because you can review the transactions before posting (during which time they could be deleted). Also, any error prevents the batch from being processed anyway.

  • Reading error messages in the Work Center helps identify the cause and the resolution of errors. All error messages are also located in the data dictionary, where you can locate the error number and review the glossary.

  • If errors occur that you cannot resolve, enter a transaction manually using the Batch Supplier Master Revision program (P0401Z1), and process it successfully. Then compare the table entries of the F0411Z1 transaction that you entered manually with the entries from an F0411Z1 transaction entered using the Batch Voucher Processor Report program (R04110ZA). Comparing the differences helps you locate discrepancies and resolve the errors.