Payment Terms

When you enter a voucher, the payment terms on the header area are provided by default from the supplier master record of the supplier. You can modify the default payment terms for individual pay items in the detail area of the voucher.

Payment terms can determine the due date of a pay item on a voucher, the discount allowed, and the discount due date. The due date is the date that the pay item is due and payable (for example, 30 days from the invoice date). You enter a date in the DDNJ field on the voucher entry form. You enter a date in the DDJ field on the voucher entry form. The discount due date is the final date that the pay item must be paid to receive a discount from the supplier. That date is in the F0411 table in the Discount Due Date field (data item DDNJ), but does not appear on any voucher entry form.

To change the payment terms of a pay item, go to that pay item in the detail area of the voucher and enter the desired pay terms over the payment item that was supplied from the header area. The default terms in the header area do not change, but any payment terms that you change in the detail area will be associated with the individual pay item.