Pre-Load Data

Pay Status Code

Enter a value that exists in the Payment Status Codes (00/PS) UDC table to specify the default pay status code that the system uses when you create a voucher.

Document Type

Enter a value that exists in the Document Type - All Documents (00/DT) UDC table to specify the default document type that appears in the QBE line when the user selects vouchers for change.

G/L Offset

Specify the default value that appears in the G/L Offset field in the QBE line when the user select vouchers for change.

Payment Instrument

Enter a value that exists in the Payment Instrument (00/PY) UDC table to specify the default payment instrument that appears in the QBE row when the user selects vouchers for change.

Blank is a valid payment instrument value. If you set the default value in the processing options to blank (using the spacebar), you must also enter a blank in the Payment Instrument field in the QBE row of the Work with Speed Status Change form. Otherwise, the system displays all payment instruments, instead of those with a blank value.

Address Number - Approver

Specify the default value for the Address Number - Approver field. When you specify a default value for the Address Number - Approver field, this value appears in the QBE line of the application and is used to select vouchers to be processed with the Speed Status Change program.

Currency Code - From

Specify the default value that appears in the Currency Code From field.

Supplier Invoice Number

Specify the supplier invoice number that appears in the QBE line when the user selects vouchers for change.

Total Inquiry Amount

Specify the default amount for the Total Inquiry Amount field. The system displays only open voucher pay items that total to the amount in the Total Inquiry Amount field or for which the last pay item that exceeds the total value in the field.

G/L Bank Account Currency Edit

Specify whether the system validates the GL bank account currency against the voucher currency.

Bank accounts can be either monetary (with a currency code) or non-monetary (without a currency code). If the bank account is monetary, the system validates the voucher transaction currency against the bank account currency. If the bank account is not monetary, the system validates the currency code of the voucher's company against the currency code of the bank account's company. Values are:

Blank: Validate.

1: Do not validate.