

Enter 1 to run the program in final mode. In final mode, the system generates a report and updates the F0411and F0911 tables based on the information that you provide.

Leave this processing option blank to run the program in proof mode. In proof mode, the system generates a report, but does not update any tables.

Allow out of Balance

Specify whether the system updates the F0411 and F0911 tables when the sum of the amounts to be distributed for the voucher does not equal the sum of the amounts to be distributed for the corresponding journal entry. The system considers tax amounts when determining the amounts to distribute for both the voucher and journal entry. Values are:

Blank: Do not process vouchers that are out of balance.

1: Process vouchers that are out of balance. You should select this option only when you convert voucher records separately from their corresponding journal entries, such as when you upload legacy information from another system.

Note: When you process vouchers that are out-of-balance, you might cause unpredictable results in other applications.

Specify whether the system automatically purges successfully processed voucher records from the Vouchers Transactions-Batch Upload table (F0411Z1) and the Journal Entry Transactions - Batch File table (F0911Z1). Values are:

Blank: Do not purge voucher records.

1: Purge voucher records.