R04305 - Voucher Journal Report

Generally, you review voucher journal information online. However, to perform a detailed analysis, a printed journal provides a more workable format. Printed reports are helpful when you are resolving out-of-balance conditions.

The system calculates the tax amounts that appear on the Voucher Journal Report based on the tax explanation code and tax rate and area for a pay item.

This report lists transactions from the F0411 and F0911 tables. To see value-added tax (VAT) amounts from the F0018 table, set the VAT Receivable Amounts processing option to 1. VAT amounts appear on the report only if the voucher has been posted.

The processing time for this batch process is related to the number of records in your system.

The following table describes the abbreviated columns headings used in this report.

Abbreviated Column Heading



Document Type


Posted Code


Ledger Type


Payment Status


Payment Instrument