Replaced Character (04/RC)

If the text file that you transfer contains letters or special characters that are not recognized by the bank, you can set up replacement characters in UDC 04/RC.

Unlike most UDC codes, the system does not use the code that you specify in this UDC; it uses the first character from the Description 1 field and replaces it with the first character in the Description 2 field. For example, you could replace the letter Z with the number 0. If you leave the Description 2 field blank or accidentally enter the value in the second space of the field, the system replaces the character that you specified in the Description 1 field with blank.

The system uses this table only if the appropriate processing option is enabled in program P0457D.

The system scans the text file for the characters that are specified in the Description 1 field in UDC 04/RC. It then replaces those characters with the alternate characters that you specify in the Description 2 field. Thus, the system deletes the unacceptable characters from the text file and replaces them with acceptable characters. For example, if the bank does not recognize umlauted letters, you can replace them with the two-letter equivalent, such as ae for ä, oe for ö, and so on.

Note: The system replaces a single character with multiple characters only for the German programs German Bank File Format and Statement Diskette, and Create A/P Bank Diskette - Germany. When you use the Replaced Character UDC for other programs, the system replaces the character that is identified in the Description 1 field with only the first character in the Description 2 field.

You can specify that the system replace a single character with one alternate character or with multiple alternate characters. When you specify multiple alternate characters, the length of the string does not change; if the original string is three characters, the modified string is three characters. The system drops certain characters from the string if inserting all of the alternate characters would result in the modified string exceeding the allowed length of the string.

This examples illustrate how the system replaces a single character with multiple characters:


Original String

Modified String


Replace A with FG



To retain field length of three, the system drops the C from the string.

Replace A with FG

ABCxxx (where x equals blank)

FGBCxx (where x equals blank)

To retain the field length of six, the system drops the last blank from the string.

Replace B with FGHI



To retain the field length of three, the system replaces B with only the first two letters of the replacement string