Reviewing Vouchers

You typically group your searches according to supplier, job or business unit, or GL bank account so that you can efficiently make the changes for your current payment cycle. You can review vouchers for a:

  • Supplier

  • GL bank account

  • Pay status

  • Batch number

When you review vouchers, the system displays open pay items with a pay status of approved or hold in ascending order by net due date. It does not display vouchers with a pay status of paid, draft accepted, or payment-in-process.

You can review vouchers that equal a specific amount. The system searches for all vouchers that, when added together, equal the amount that you specified. If, however, the vouchers do not equal the exact amount, the system includes one more voucher so that the total inquiry amount is greater than the amount specified.

For example, suppose you want to review vouchers that equal 55,000. Based on your search criteria, the system finds three vouchers that total 54,000, but because that does not equal the amount that you specified, it includes a fourth voucher for 5,000. In this example, the total inquiry amount that the system displays is 59,000, which is greater than the amount specified.

The system displays information from the F0411 table.

You can specify default values in the processing options for Speed Status Change (P0411S) for some of the search fields that appear in the Query By Example (QBE) row of the Work with Speed Status Change form. If you do this, values that you enter in the QBE row might conflict with the default values in the processing options. As a result, the information that the system displays might not seem to meet your search criteria when, indeed, it does.

If you set the value for the Payment Instrument processing option to blank, the system displays vouchers for all payment instruments on Work with Speed Status Change. To view only those vouchers with no payment instrument, you must enter <0 in the Payment Instrument field in the QBE row. Then, to view vouchers for all payment instruments again, you must delete the <0 value.