Revising Posted Vouchers

You might need to revise posted, unpaid vouchers. For example, you might need to add lines to the G/L distribution.

The system maintains an audit trail when you change a posted voucher. It uses document type PE (change in gross amount) for the new transactions that adjust the posted transactions. The system stores the new transaction in the F0411 table.

You cannot change the following key fields:

  • Document Number

  • Document Type

  • Document Company

  • Supplier Number

  • G/L Date

  • Company

  • GL Offset

The Company and G/L Offset fields become key fields when a voucher is posted. To change the information in one of these key fields, you must void and re-enter the voucher.

Any change to a voucher on a voucher entry form reopens the batch and requires you to repost the batch. Consider using Speed Status Change to change information that does not change the G/L distribution, such as due date. Speed Status Change does not reopen the batch.

If you make certain types of changes, the system changes the batch status from posted to unposted. You must post the batch again. This is true if you:

  • Change the total gross amount for the voucher.

  • Change the number of vouchers in a batch.

  • Change a journal entry.

If you must post the batch again, you might need to approve the batch before you post it. You must do this if the default entry status for the original voucher was pending.