
Setting up payee control consists of setting processing options for the A/P Payee Control Server - Processing Options Only program (X0450). Depending on how you set the processing options for the A/P Payee Control Server - Processing Options Only program, you can control changes, or additions and changes, to each of these fields:

Controlled Field


Alpha Name in the Address Book Master (F0101) table.

Changes to a payee's alpha name can divert the physical payment. The alpha name can be changed on the Address Book Revision form.

Bank Account Number in the F0030 table.

Changes to a payee's bank account number can divert an electronic payment. The bank account number can be changed on the Set Up Bank Accounts By Address form.

Bank Transit Number in the Bank Transit Master (F0030) table.

Changes to a payee's bank transit number can divert an electronic payment. The bank transit number can be changed on the Set Up Bank Accounts By Address form.

Bank Account Type in the F0030 table.

Changes to a payee's bank account type can divert an electronic payment. The bank account type can be changed on the Set Up Bank Accounts By Address form.

Mailing Name in the Address Book - Who's Who (F0111) table.

Changes to the payee's mailing name can divert the physical payment. The mailing name can be changed on the Address Book Revision and Who's Who forms.

Note: The Payee Control process detects changes only to the first Who's Who record (Line ID 0). Changes to any other Who's Who record are not written to the F0450 table.

Payee in the F0411 table.

Changes to the voucher's payee can divert the payment while a voucher is being entered, or after. The payee can be changed on the Enter Voucher - Payment Information form, alternate voucher entry forms, and the Update Single Pay Item form (from the Speed Status Change program).

Special payee in the F0101 table.

Changes to the supplier's special payee can divert a payment at the time a voucher is entered. The special payee can be changed on the Related Address tab of the Address Book Revisions form and on the Supplier Master Information form.

SWIFT code in the F0030 table.

Changes to a payee's SWIFT code can divert an electronic payment. The SWIFT code can be changed on the Set Up Bank Accounts By Address form.

When the system detects a change to a controlled field, it writes a record to the F0450 table. This record includes the original information, the changed information, the date and time that the change was made, and the user ID of the person who made the change.

For example, Universal Incorporated has a supplier number of 4344 and an alternate payee number of 3610. You add a voucher for supplier number 4344 and enter an alternate payee number of 5910. If you have the payee control feature activated, the system creates a payee control record because the voucher's payee number (5910) does not match the supplier number (4344) or alternate payee number (3610). This record must be approved by another person before payment can be issued.

Note: ZJDE0001 is the only version that controls Payee Control.