Splitting Vouchers

If you enter a voucher with one pay item, and then decide to make partial payments, you can use the Speed Status Change program (P0411S) to split the voucher and assign the appropriate due dates rather than changing the voucher to accommodate multiple pay items with different due dates. If the voucher has discounts or taxes, these guidelines apply:

  • If the voucher has a discount, the system automatically prorates the discount amount based on the amount of each pay item. You can override the discount amount as needed.

  • If the voucher has taxes, the taxes are split proportionately based on the amount of each pay item.

You can also use this method of splitting vouchers to assign a different payee to a pay item if the payment should be made to multiple parties.

You can split posted and unposted vouchers. The system assigns the same posted code to each voucher pay item that you create when you split the voucher.

Note: You cannot split a voucher that has recurring information (recurring frequency and number of payments).