Tax Information

Tax Expl Code (tax explanation code)

Enter a value that exists in the Tax Explanation Codes (00/EX) UDC table to specify the type of tax applied to the supplier.

Tax Rate / Area

Enter a value that exists in the F4008 table to specify the tax rate and tax area that applies to the supplier.


Enter the code that designates the type of taxpayer. For 1099 reporting for U.S. suppliers and foreign suppliers, the system selects only records with a code of P or N. Values for U.S. entities:

Blank or C: Corporate entity (the Tax ID prints as 12-3456789).

P: Individual (the Tax ID prints as 123-45-6789).

N: Noncorporate entity (the Tax ID prints as 12-3456789).

Values for non-U.S. entities:

1: Individual.

2: Corporate entity.

3: Both an individual and a corporate entity.

4: Noncorporate entity.

5: Customs authority.

Add'l Ind Tax ID (additional individual tax ID)

Enter the identification number assigned by a tax authority to the individual, in addition to the primary Tax ID number (TX1).

(FIN) Enter the payee business code. This code is required only for domestic payments in Finland.

Tax Authority

Specify the government agency for which you withhold taxes from supplier payments. The value that you enter must be a valid address book number.

Withholding Percent

Enter the amount to withhold from payments to the supplier. Enter the amount in percentage format.