The Recycle Process

When you recycle recurring invoices and vouchers, the system:

  • Removes the recurring frequency and number of payments from either the original transaction or the most recent copy of the transaction.

  • Creates a new invoice and voucher and updates:

    • Document number with a new number.

    • Batch number with a new number.

    • Number of payments (decreases by one).

    • Due date based upon the payment terms in the original voucher.

    • Invoice date according to the processing options.

    • Invoice number (vouchers only) according to the processing options.

  • Creates an exception report that lists the number of invoices and vouchers that were successfully recycled, and the number of transactions that could not be recycled due to errors (exceptions).

    You can view error messages in the Work Center. These errors include:

    • No accounting distribution records were created.

      This occurs when no records are found in the Account Ledger table for the recurring invoice or voucher.

    • GL date is for a previous fiscal year (PYEB).

    • GL date is for a previous period (PBCO), and Allow PBCO Postings is not activated in the General Accounting Constants (P0000).

    • GL date does not occur in a fiscal date pattern for the company.

After recycling recurring invoices and vouchers, you must post them to the general ledger.

A customer does not have to pay an existing invoice or voucher for you to generate the next cycle of recurring transactions.