Account Activity Log

As part of credit and collection efforts, you can use the Account Activity Log program (P03B31) to review a history of credit and collection efforts and to show patterns and trends of customer habits. The account activity log enables you to review a list of all the credit and collection activities associated with a customer, such as the date when statements, delinquency notices, and delinquency fees were generated, as well as when their credit limit was changed or reviewed.

From the list of activities associated with an account, you can access and review detailed information about a specific activity. For example, if the activity indicates Over Credit Limit, you can access credit review information that displays how much the customer has exceeded the credit limit and the customer's original credit limit.

If an account has a large number of delinquency processes or collection reviews associated with it, you might consider it a problem account. However, if very little activity is associated with an account, then you might consider it to be performing well.

The system displays activities for an account by activity date and priority.

In addition to reviewing credit and collections activities associated with a customer online, you can print the activity log using the Print Activity Log program (R03B31). This enables you to review and manage account activities from a printed copy. You can use data selection to limit the report to specific customers or to a specific activity type. You can also change the data sequence to print the report by activity type or activity date.

The system stores information about the activity log in the Customer Activity Log table (F03B31).