Adding Activity Type Codes

Access the Activity Setup form.

Important: The system does not automatically process activity messages for new activity codes that you create. You must manually add activity messages for any activities that use the new activity codes.

See Adding Account Activities.


Enter a code that identifies the message that you want to set up in the Account Activity Log.

These activity types are hard-coded:

20: Credit Review Required

21: Over Credit Limit

22: Credit Limit Updated

30: Promise

40: Delinquency Notice Sent

41: Delinquency Notice Rejected

42: Statement Sent

50: Delinquency Fee Applied

51: Delinquency Fee Rejected

If you create new activity types, do not use a value that is hard-coded.

Default Priority

Enter the code that specifies the order in which the system displays activity messages when you run statements, notices, fees, and so on. Valid values are 1 through 5, where 1 is the highest priority and 5 is the lowest priority.

Disable Activity

Select this option to specify that an activity type that has been used previously should be disabled for future use. The system does not generate activity messages in the Customer Activity Log table (F03B31) for activity types that are disabled.