Apply Invoices

These processing options specify how to apply receipts to invoices with discounts.

1. Discounts Recognition Method

Specify whether to process all discounts or only those discounts that are earned. The G/L date of the receipt must be on or before the invoice discount due date for the discount to be earned. Values are:

Blank: Process all discounts.

1: Process earned discounts only.

2. Discount Reason Code

Specify the discount reason code that the system uses when discounts are taken. The discount reason code that you enter must exist in UDC 00/DE. You must also set up a corresponding AAI item (RKDxx where xx is the reason code) for each discount reason code that you specify.

3. Grace Days

Specify the number of days to add to the discount due date to extend the eligibility of an available discount.

4. Match Invoices

Specify whether to match only the invoices that have an approved pay status. Values are:

Blank: Match all invoices.

1: Match invoices with an approved pay status only.

5. Discounts on Partial Payment

Specify whether to apply discounts when the payment amount is less than the open amount of the invoice. The invoice should be paid fully and the G/L date of the receipt must be on or before the Discount Due Date of the invoice for the discount to be earned. This processing option works in conjunction with the processing option Discounts Recognition. Values are:

Blank: Apply discounts for partially paid invoices.

1: Ignore discounts for partially paid invoices.