Assigning Collection Information to Customers

Access the Customer Master Revision form and select the Collection tab.

Collection Manager

Enter the name of the collection manager who is responsible for managing this customer's account. You must set up the collection manager in the address book and then create an entry in the UDC table 01/CM. When you set up the UDC value, you must also enter the address book number of the collection manager in the Description 02 field.

You enter the UDC that represents the collection manager in this field.

Policy Name/Company

Select a delinquency policy to assign to the customer. The delinquency policy specifies the set of rules that determines when an invoice is considered past due and specifies the action to take. The policy contains aging information for notices and fee instructions. You set up a policy to represent a group of customers based on either their payment habits or on a line of business.

You set up valid policies using the Define Delinquency Policies program (P03B2501), and policies are stored in the Delinquency Policy table (F03B25).

The system displays the company associated with the delinquency policy in the field that displays to the right of the Policy Name field.

Deduction Manager

Enter the address book number of the person who is responsible for managing deductions. In addition to the address book number, you can enter an alpha name or tax identification number.

If you enter an alpha name, the system searches for the corresponding record and returns the address book number. If the system locates more than one address book number, it displays a form that lists all of the alpha names from which you can select the correct record.

If you enter a tax ID, you must precede it with the special character defined in the Address Book Constants program. The system returns the address book number based on the tax ID.

If the system cannot locate a record, it returns 0 (zero).

Print Statement

Select this option to specify that the system prints statements for the customer.

Note: This option exists in both the Customer Master Information program (P03013) and the Accounts Receivable Constants program (P0000). In the Accounts Receivable Constants program, the option controls whether statements are printed for invoices that are entered for a specific company. In the Customer Master Information program, the option controls whether statements are printed for invoices that are entered for the customer.
Send Statement to

Enter the code that identifies the billing address to print on statements. Values are:

C: Customer (AN8)

P: Parent (PA8)

R: Alternate payor (PYR)

1: First address number (AN81)

2: Second address number (AN82)

3: Third address number (AN83)

4: Fourth address number (AN84)

5: Factor/Special Payee (AN85)

6: Fifth address number (AN86)

Statement Cycle

Enter a code to group customers together for statement printing. For example, you can print statements for all customers that have a statement cycle of A on the 1st of the month, B on the 2nd day of the month, and so on.

If you leave this field blank, the system assigns the first letter of the customer's alpha name.

Collection Report

Select this option to specify that a customer's overdue invoices are eligible to appear on the collection report that you send to an external agency.

Delinquency Notices

Select this option to print delinquency notices for the customer based on the notification instructions that are set up for the policy that you assign to the customer.

Note: This option exists in both the Customer Master Information program (P03013) and the Accounts Receivable Constants program (P0000). In the Accounts Receivable Constants program, the option controls whether notices are printed for invoices that are entered for a specific company. In the Customer Master Information program, the option controls whether notices are printed for a customer.
Delinquency Fees

Select this option to process delinquency fees for the customer.