
These processing options specify the records that the system purges and whether the program is run in proof or final mode.

1. Purge Date

Use this processing option in conjunction with the Number of Months processing option to specify the records to purge from the F03B20 and F03B21 tables. The system purges all records with a notification date that is equal to or less than the date specified, unless the number of months specified selects fewer records. For example, if you specify a notification date of December 31, 2008, but also specify to retain six months of data, the system determines which processing option purges the fewest records and uses that processing option. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses today's date.

Note: To purge only statement records or only delinquency notice records, use data selection to specify the notification type (DL for notices and ST for statements).
2. Number of Months

Use this processing option in conjunction with the Notification Date processing option to specify the records to purge from the F03B20 and F03B21 tables. The system removes all records with a notification date that is older that the number of months specified, unless you specify a date in the Notification Date processing option that results in fewer records to purge. For example, if you specify to retain six months of data, but enter a notification date that is three months in the past, the system uses the notification date.

3. Final Mode

Specify whether to run this program in proof or final mode. In proof mode, the system only prints a report of the records that will be purged. In final mode, the system purges the records from the tables and prints a report. Values are:

Blank: Print a report only.

1: Purge the records and print a report.