
These processing options specify the default values for the system to use when it generates drafts.

1. Draft Date

Specify the draft date to assign to the records in the F03B13 and F03B14 tables. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the system date.

2. Draft G/L Date

Specify the draft G/L date to assign to records in the F03B13 and F03B14 records. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the system date.

3. Draft Due Date

Specify the draft due date to assign to invoice records (R1) in the F03B11 table. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the invoice due date.

4. Draft Receivable Account Number

Specify the drafts receivable account number to use when you post drafts to the general ledger. You enter the account number in the standard format (bu.obj.sub). If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the account number associated with the AAI item RD1x, where x is the payment instrument on the customer record (F03012).

5. Journal Entry

Specify whether the post program creates one summarized journal entry for the batch of drafts entered or one journal entry for each draft. The system assigns the value that you specify to the A/R Post field in the F03B13 table. The post program uses this value to create the journal entry records. Values are:

Blank: Summarized journal entries. The system creates one journal entry with the document type RK for each batch of drafts that you post. The system assigns the draft batch number as the document number of the journal entry. To use this method, you must also ensure that:

  • The offset method in the A/R Constants is equal to B (batch mode)

  • The batch does not contain any foreign transactions

Otherwise, the system creates journal entries in detail.

1: Detail journal entries. The system creates one journal entry with the document type RC for each draft in the batch. The system uses Next Numbers for journal entry documents (system 09) to assign the document number to the receipt journal entry.

To provide an audit trail, the system updates these fields in the F03B14 table with the journal entry information:

  • JE document type (RZDCTG)

  • JE document number (RZDOCG)

  • JE document company (RZKCOG)

6. Discount Reason Code

Specify the discount reason code that you want the system to use when discounts are taken. The discount reason code that you enter must exist in UDC 00/DE. You must also set up a corresponding AAI item (RKDxxx, where xxx is the reason code) for each discount reason code that you specify.