
These processing options specify the default values for certain fields.

1. Type Input Code

Specify the default type input code to display on the Speed Receipts Entry form. Values are:

1: Unapplied Receipt

2: Balance Forward Receipt

3: Logged Receipt

4: General Ledger Receipt

2. Default G/L Offset for Unapplied Receipts

Specify whether to use the value in the G/L Offset field of the customer record (F03012) as the default value for the Unapplied G/L Offset field when you enter unapplied receipts. The system locates the A/R trade account based on the G/L offset that you use. Values are:

Blank: Do not use values from the customer record. The system uses the default value UC.

1: Use the G/L offset from the customer record. If the customer record does not have a G/L offset defined, the system uses the default G/L offset (UC) for unapplied receipts.