
These processing options are used to specify default information when processing reimbursements.

1. G/L Date

Specify the G/L date for the system to assign to the reimbursement records. If you leave this processing option blank, the system assigns the system date.

2. Invoice Date

Specify the invoice date that the system assigns to the reimbursement records. If you leave this processing option blank, the system assigns the system date.

3. A/P Trade Account G/L Offset

Specify the G/L offset account to use for vouchers that the system generates. The system concatenates the value of the G/L offset to the AAI item PC to locate the A/P trade account. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the G/L offset from the Supplier Master record (F0401).

4. Supplier Address Number

Specify the address book number to assign to reimbursement vouchers. Values are:

Blank: Assign the customer's address book number.

1: Assign the payor number from the Customer Master record (F03012).

2: Assign the parent number from the Customer Master record (F03012).

5. Voucher Due Date (Future)

Specify the reimbursement voucher due date. If you leave this processing option blank, the system calculates the due date based on the supplier master payment term.

6. Clearing Account G/L Offset (Future)

Specify the G/L offset account to use for vouchers that the system generates. The system concatenates the value of the G/L offset to the AAI item NC to locate the Clearing account. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the G/L offset from the Supplier Master record

7. Voucher Document Type (Future)

Specify the reimbursement voucher document type. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the document type processing option of Voucher Entry (P0400047) version specified.