
These processing options specify default values that the system uses when you add an invoice.

1. Service/Tax Date

Specify the date to use in the Service/Tax Date field (DSVJ). Values are:

Blank: Use the G/L date.

1: Use the invoice date.

2. Pay Status

Specify the value to assign to the Pay Status field (PST). The value that you assign must exist in user-defined code (UDC) 00/PS (Payment Status Codes). If you leave this processing option blank, the system assigns the default value from the data dictionary.

3. Payor

Specify the value to assign to the Payor field (PYR). Values are:

Blank: Use the customer's address book number.

1: Use the value of the Alternate Payor field (ARPY) from the customer's record in the Customer Master by Line of Business table (F03012).